
Noflux is a Nostr and RSS feed reader.

Noflux Overview

Summary ΒΆ

Optimized for readability
The page layout, fonts, and colors are chosen to be readable on a screen. The most important thing is the content.
Nostr support
Besides RSS and Atom, Noflux also supports Nostr NIP-23 feeds, connecting directly to each public key's outbox relays.
Fast and efficient
Be productive, use the keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the application. Scan quickly your unread items with the lightweight user interface.
No advertising and user tracking
Noflux removes automatically pixel trackers.
Super simple installation
Noflux is compiled statically without external dependencies, drop the binary on your server and you are done. You also have the choice to use the RPM/Debian package or the Docker image.
Free, open source and self-hosted
Noflux is a free and open source project distributed under the permissive Apache 2.0 License.
Strong foundation
Noflux is based on the legendary Miniflux and inherits all its marvelous features.