Third-Party Applications

Table of Contents


Fluxjs is a responsive design frontend. You can browse your rss feeds from your mobile or your desktop.

Links: GitHub


A simple Newsreader for the noflux backend. This newsreader sync with the Noflux server API.

It supports light and dark mode, mark articles as read on scrollover and open articles preferred in an already installed app.

Links: GitHub


Lire can sync with Noflux. It uses both the Fever API and the Noflux API.



  1. Enable the Fever integration in Noflux and define a Fever username and password (Go to Settings > Integrations)

Fever API

  1. Create a new Noflux API Key in Settings > API Keys

Noflux API Key

  1. Enter the connection information created above in Lire settings (select Noflux in the list of self-hosted sync services)

Lire Settings

Links: Official website, iOS App Store, Mac App Store


This reader has features that cannot be provided to form a conventional web page.


Links: GitHub



Links: Google Play, GitHub


This project integrates with Noflux to fetch RSS feed content via API or webhook. It then utilizes large language models (e.g., Ollama, ChatGPT, LLaMA, Gemini) to generate summaries, translations, and AI-driven news insights.

Links: GitHub


ReactFlux is a third-party web frontend for Noflux, aimed at providing a more user-friendly reading experience.

Key features include:

Links: GitHub


Renoflux is an alternative web frontend. It offers a look and feel which is more similar to Google Reader and TT-RSS with a 3-paned display showing the list of feeds, items and an article.

Links: GitHub