Pocket Integration

To configure the Pocket integration on your own Noflux instance, you need to create an application on Pocket’s website.

Go to https://getpocket.com/developer/apps/new and create a new application.


If the environment variable is defined, the text field for the Pocket Consumer API key will be hidden.

Make sure the environment variable BASE_URL is defined properly to allow the authorization flow to work afterward, this variable should point to your current instance address and/or the URL you have set on your Pocket application.

Once the consumer key is configured, you need to get a Pocket Access Token. This token could be fetched automatically by using the authorization flow or manually by making some HTTP calls.

Pocket Connection

The simplest solution is to use the link, “Connect your Pocket account”. This method redirects the end user to Pocket’s website and ask for authorization.

Pocket Authorization

After the authorization is given, Noflux will fetch the Pocket Access Token for you.

If you prefer to fetch Pocket Access Token manually, the process is described in Pocket’s developer documentation.