
Telegram is free, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging software.

You can enable integration via Telegram Bot API and new entries will be pushed to the specific chat when fetched.

Telegram Bot Configuration

To create a bot, use @BotFather and obtain the bot token from it.

Create a bot using @BotFater

Next, invite @getidsbot to your channel or group. Alternatively, send /about to the bot if you want to push the message to your direct message chat. Retrieve the chat ID from the message. You can stop or remove the bot after obtaining the ID.

Get chat id using @getidsbot

Now, invite your bot to your channel or group, or send a message to it if you want to push the message to your direct message chat.

Noflux Configuration

Fill in the values collected above, enable the Telegram bot integration in Noflux, and new entries will be pushed to the chat you have selected.

Telegram Bot Integration

The topic ID is optional. You need to enable this feature explicitly in Telegram.

Telegram Messages

Message with a comment button:

Telegram notification with comments

Message with a web page preview:

Telegram notification with preview